Since 1858, our YMCA has stood resilient and time-tested as a trusted community leader. To remain relevant for over 165 years requires more than passion and vision; it demands strategy. Now, we embark on the next chapter of our YMCA’s strategic journey as stewards of this organization and its remarkable ability to meet the evolving needs of our communities.
Recognizing the unprecedented impact of the past few years, our Y’s mission is more vital than ever before. Welcoming, educating, nurturing, community, connectivity, and health have taken on new meanings, yet they remain core to our efforts. We face new challenges, but we stand strongly equipped to tackle them. Our volunteer and staff leadership are resolute in their effort to remain a beacon of positivity, possibility, and opportunity for those we serve.
Our strategy is not merely a plan; it’s a declaration of the experience we want people to have, our resolve to shatter barriers to engagement, redefine the boundaries of health, and forge a profound unity that only an organization like the Y can inspire. Through these efforts, we aim not just to make a difference but to create a ripple effect of positive change that reverberates far beyond the communities we serve.
We cannot do it alone. Our YMCA is made up of dozens of Board Members, hundreds of employees, thousands of donors, and tens of thousands of members. To be our best, we need to engage everyone in our strategy. This includes the invaluable partnerships we have with our community partners who are vested in the same outcomes. When we are all aligned, we can achieve anything.
We invite you to read this strategy, share your feedback with Y professionals and volunteers, and consider how you can help. Thank you for your interest and belief in our Y’s mission, vision, values, and strategy.
Your partners in impact,
Chris Lovasco, President & CEOÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Judy Gimik, Strategy Committee Chair
YMCA of the North Shore            YMCA of the North Shore