Safety at our YMCA

Membership Screening


As one of the nation’s largest providers of youth and family programs, the Y long has made the safety of children and all vulnerable populations a top priority. YMCAs serve 22 million people annually, including nine million youth. Providing a safe, secure environment for members and participants is essential to the Y’s cause of strengthening community. While the Y is proud to be entrusted with the care of millions of children and to be an organization of choice for millions more people, we recognize that great responsibility comes with this privilege. Part of that responsibility is knowing who has access to YMCAs through membership, which underscores the importance of membership screening. It’s a best practice for child abuse prevention and facility safety and security..

In keeping with the best practices of the national office of the YMCA and adding an extra layer of protection for our staff, members and participants, beginning April 1, 2018, the YMCA of the North Shore will be participating in a national initiative to screen members, program participants, and staff against the National Sex Offender Registry. This screening will be done on a weekly basis.

If you have questions or concerns in regards to this national screening please reach out to Darlene Moulton, Director of Risk Management at or 978-922-0990 ext 1104 and she will be happy to discuss the process with you individually.

If you see something, please say something. Reach out to a member of your Local YMCA staff team or contact our Director of Risk Management at

Thank you!