Click the link for your home Y to request a membership hold, upgrade or downgrade, help with program enrollment, online account support, and more. Find all our membership and program policies at the bottom of this page.
Account Support Request Form – Cape Ann YMCA
Account Support Request Form – Greater Beverly YMCA
Account Support Request Form – Haverhill YMCA
Account Support Request Form – Ipswich Family YMCA
Account Support Request Form – Lynch/van Otterloo YMCA
Account Support Request Form – Plaistow Community YMCA
Account Support Request Form – Salem YMCA
We can’t wait to help you on your fitness journey and maximize your Y membership! Sign up for a complimentary fitness orientation or take advantage of special member pricing on personal training.
Click here for our schedules page, then filter to your preferred Y and “Fitness Center Orientations” to see available options. If there’s nothing that fits your schedule, we’re happy to book something that works better for you – just reach out to one of our Health & Wellness Directors:
Cassie Carlson, carlsonc@northshoreymca.org
Cape Ann YMCA
Matt Pudvah, pudvahm@northshoreymca.org
Greater Beverly YMCA
Stephanie Laverdure, laverdures@northshoreymca.org
Haverhill YMCA
Nick Bertone, bertonen@northshoreymca.org
Ipswich Family YMCA
Laurie Sue Rodrigues, rodriguesl@northshoreymca.org
Lynch/van Otterloo YMCA
Wendy Takesian, takesianw@northshoreymca.org
Plaistow YMCA
Tracey Harris, harrist@northshoreymca.org
Salem YMCA
For safety and security purposes, the Y requires a photograph on record for each member. Photos are used by staff to identify individuals in the event of an emergency and to confirm identity as a part of our confidential background screening process to ensure a child-safe environment. Your photograph will not be used for any commercial purpose without your authorization.
You’re welcome to put your membership on hold for up to 3 months* each year – submit your request in the “Account Support Request” link above at least 30 days before your next payment so we have adequate time to make that edit before the next billing cycle. Your membership will automatically reactivate after your scheduled suspension expires.
You can always add or subtract individuals from your membership depending on who is using the Y at any given time. Submit your request in the “Account Support Request” link above, or reach out to your local Membership Sales Director to find the best fit for your household!
We hate to see you go, but we’re committed to keeping Y membership flexible, so there are no fees for canceling if you need to. We do need a written request to cancel no later than 30 days before your next payment – just email your local Membership Sales Director to initiate the process, or request more information in the “Account Support Request” link above. Please be aware that you will be charged the joiner fee in the future if you re-join, so if you’re only planning on a break, scheduling a membership suspension is your best bet!
Note: There are third-party companies that falsely claim they can manage changes to your Y membership for a fee. These companies are not affiliated with the Y and often mislead individuals for profit. You never have to pay to change or cancel your membership. If you have questions, please contact membersupport@northshoreymca.org.
Prior to the beginning of a class:
- You are able to cancel your enrollment at any time prior to the start of the program. You will receive a full refund as either an online credit or in the form of the original payment method (cash payments will be refunded by check.)
Within the first 2 weeks of a class:
- If you are not satisfied in the first 2 weeks of the session, you may request to unenroll and will receive a full refund.
After the first 2 weeks of a class:
- Refunds will only be issued in the case of extenuating circumstances, such as a medical reason supported by proper documentation (i.e. doctor’s note).
If the YMCA cancels a class:
- If the YMCA cancels a class, whenever possible we will offer members the opportunity to make up that class. If a make-up cannot be accommodated, a member may request a credit for that class in writing by submitting a program credit refund form.
A program credit form is available at your YMCA’s Welcome Center.
For any additional questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Y’s Membership Sales Director:
Celia Sanfilippo, sanfilippoc@northshoreymca.org
Cape Ann YMCA
Anysley Harrington, harringtona@northshoreymca.org
Greater Beverly YMCA
Karissa Forzese, forzesek@northshoreymca.org
Haverhill YMCA
Kaitlyn Cotter, cotterk@northshoreymca.org
Ipswich Family YMCA
Chad Kreuzer, kreuzerc@northshoreymca.org
Lynch/van Otterloo YMCA
Jaclyn McCrillis, mccrillisj@northshoreymca.org
Plaistow Community YMCA
Mary Sholds, sholdsm@northshoreymca.org
Salem YMCA